Introduced last month, the sRewards tab helps Sceptre users keep track of the rewards and FlareDrops regularly added to Sceptre’s poll. As promised, our team has been working on improving it and adding new features to improve the transparency of what’s being added to the pool and how that increases the sFLR/FLR exchange rate.
The latest update to the sRewards tab introduces a graph where you can see the distribution of rewards and FlareDrops going back to 1 year.

Additionally, we introduced 3 information boxes corresponding to each type of reward that’s added to Sceptre. For now, you can check the box with the information on staking and FlareDrop rewards, with p-chain rewards and FlareDrop distribution coming soon.

As before, you can keep track of the sFLR/FLR exchange rate in the graph available on this tab.

How can you keep track of your personal rewards?
Many users have been asking us for a way to keep track of their personal rewards in the app, that is, the staking rewards and FlareDrops that are tied to the amount of FLR they staked. Unfortunately, doing it is a nearly impossible task since it would require the integration of all protocols accepting sFLR in order to keep track of how many tokens each user is still holding. That’s why so many other liquid staking protocols on other networks don’t offer that either.
The only way you can keep track of the rewards you’re receiving on Sceptre is by going to the Unstake tab and enter the amount of sFLR you’re holding or deposited on another protocol. As we explained before, the sFLR exchange rate goes up whenever rewards and FlareDrops are added to the Sceptre pool, so your sFLR will be more valuable and you’ll receive more wFLR when you unstake. The difference between the FLR you staked and the wFLR displayed are the rewards and FlareDrops you’ve accrued since you started staking on Sceptre.
