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How to supply Flare to Kinetic by converting it to sFLR

Updated: Jul 15

Today we will explain how you can supply FLR to Kinetic, by first converting it to sFLR.

Step 1

In the dropdown, select FLR.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - selecting a token

Step 2

Stake your FLR on Sceptre by setting the amount and then click "Stake FLR on Sceptre".

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - clciking the stake button

Step 3

Confirm the stake by going through the transaction with your wallet.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - confirm the staking

Step 4

In the dropdown, select sFLR.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - selecting sFLR

Step 5

Choose the amount to supply.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - supplying tokens

Step 6

Click "Approve and Supply".

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - approve and supply

Step 7

Approve sFLR transaction through your wallet.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - confirmation

Step 8

Then Confirm supply transaction through your wallet.

How to turn FLR into sFLR | Kinetic Integration - confirming transaction

Step 9

Token supplied!


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