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Guide to safeguarding your crypto assets on Liquid Staking platforms

Updated: Jul 26

This article is not financial advice and is just general information for informed users in the crypto universe.


Network tokens used on a liquid staking platform.

1. Understanding the risks of Liquid Staking

Overview of Liquid Staking

Liquid staking is a relatively new concept within the cryptocurrency sector that allows users to stake their digital assets in a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain while retaining liquidity. Unlike traditional staking, where the staked assets are locked up in the blockchain network and cannot be accessed until the staking period is over, liquid staking offers a solution where staked assets can still be utilized for other financial activities.

Here's how it typically works:

  • When you engage in liquid staking, your original tokens are locked on the blockchain.

  • In return, you receive derivative tokens, often referred to as staking tokens, which represent the staked assets but are liquid and can be used in other transactions or traded.

  • These staking tokens can earn staking rewards similarly to the actual staked tokens and can be used across various DeFi platforms to engage in further financial activities like lending, borrowing, or liquidity provisioning.

This process essentially decouples the utility of the asset from its staking function, allowing greater flexibility and capital efficiency.

Common Risks of Liquid Staking

1. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities:

  • Liquid staking relies heavily on smart contracts, automated agreements executed on the blockchain without human intervention.

  • These contracts can contain bugs or vulnerabilities that, if exploited, could lead to significant losses, either through direct theft of staked tokens or manipulation of staking mechanisms.

2. Platform Reliability:

  • The reliability of the platform offering liquid staking services is crucial. Issues like downtime, poor management, or inadequate operational security can jeopardize the safety of staked assets.

  • It’s also important to consider the longevity and financial health of the service provider, as insolvency could lead to loss of funds.

3. Market Volatility:

  • The derivative tokens received in exchange for staked assets may not always perfectly mirror the price movements of the underlying assets due to market dynamics.

  • Volatility can affect the exchange rates between the original tokens and their liquid counterparts, leading to scenarios where the liquid tokens could be worth less than the original staked amount, especially in turbulent market conditions.

4. Regulatory and Legal Risks:

  • The regulatory framework around liquid staking is still evolving. Changes in regulations could affect the operation of liquid staking platforms or the legality of their derivative tokens.

  • There’s also the risk of non-compliance with financial regulations, which could lead to fines or restrictions on operations.

Using Liquid Staking tokens on different DEXs

2. Key Security Features to Look For in a Liquid Staking Platform

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) significantly enhances the security of staking accounts by requiring multiple verification factors to access an account, thus providing an essential layer of defense against unauthorized access.

MFA combines elements like passwords, smartphone-generated codes, and biometrics to protect users from threats such as phishing and identity theft. For cryptocurrency stakers, implementing MFA is crucial as it safeguards valuable digital assets from theft and unauthorized alterations, ensuring the integrity of both the user’s investments and the staking platform.

Cold Wallet Integration: Using cold wallets to store digital assets offers significantly enhanced security compared to hot wallets, which remain connected to the internet. Cold wallets, such as hardware or paper wallets, store cryptocurrencies offline, greatly reducing the risk of hacking, unauthorized access, and other online threats.

This method of storage is especially recommended for long-term holdings or large amounts of assets, as it minimizes the attack surface accessible to potential cybercriminals, providing peace of mind through physical control over one's investments.

Insurance Coverage: When selecting a platform to store or manage cryptocurrency assets, it is crucial to understand the insurance coverage provided against theft or loss. Effective insurance policies should cover the full value of the stored digital assets and protect against a range of risks, including cyberattacks, physical theft, and employee theft.

Users should verify that the policy details explicitly include coverage for the types of events that could lead to significant losses, ensuring that they can recover their investment in the event of such incidents.

Regular Security Audits: Choosing platforms that conduct regular security audits by reputable third-party companies is essential for ensuring the safety of digital assets. These audits help identify and remedy vulnerabilities within the platform's security infrastructure, thus preventing potential breaches.

Regular audits also demonstrate a platform’s commitment to security and transparency, building trust among users and investors by showing an ongoing dedication to protecting their assets from emerging cyber threats.

Network tokens turn to Liquid Staked tokens to user on a lending market

3. Best Practices for Safeguarding Crypto Assets

  • Using Strong, Unique Passwords

  • Keeping Software Updated

  • Recognizing Phishing Attacks

  • Secure Backup of Keys

To enhance the security of digital assets, adopting robust security practices is crucial. Start by using strong, unique passwords for each account, employing a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to create passwords that are difficult to guess.

Consider using a reputable password manager to keep track of these passwords securely. Keeping all related software up-to-date, especially wallet software, is also vital. Software updates often include security patches that protect against new vulnerabilities, helping to safeguard your digital assets from potential threats.

In addition to these measures, being vigilant against phishing attacks is essential. Learn to recognize the signs of phishing, such as unsolicited communications and suspicious links, and always verify the authenticity of websites and emails before interacting with them.

Lastly, ensure the secure backup of private keys and other critical information. Use encrypted backup solutions stored in multiple secure locations to prevent unauthorized access and loss of data. These strategies collectively contribute to a robust defense against the variety of threats facing digital assets today.

4. Understanding Smart Contract Security

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automate transactions and enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries, functioning based on predefined conditions on blockchain platforms.

Despite their utility, smart contracts are susceptible to a range of security risks, including reentrancy attacks, where the same function is repeatedly called before the first execution is completed, and overflow bugs, which occur when operations exceed the maximum size that a variable can hold, leading to unexpected behavior.

To ensure the safety of smart contracts, it's crucial to engage in thorough assessments before interaction. Check whether the smart contract code has undergone rigorous open-source auditing from reputable third-party companies. Additionally, community reviews can offer insights into the reliability and security of the code.

Both practices help in identifying potential vulnerabilities and ensuring that the contract functions as intended, minimizing the risk of errors and potential financial loss. These steps are vital for anyone looking to leverage the power of smart contracts while maintaining security and trust in the digital space.

Network tokens changing to Liquid Staked tokens earning rewards

5. Educational Resources and Tools

To bolster the security of cryptocurrency transactions and storage, a variety of tools and resources are available that users can leverage. Hardware wallets provide robust offline storage for digital assets, significantly reducing the risk of hacking. Secure key management software aids in managing and protecting cryptographic keys, while reputable anti-virus and anti-malware software help protect devices from malicious software that could compromise security.

Additionally, several learning platforms offer valuable resources to deepen understanding of crypto security. Websites like provide comprehensive guides on securing cryptocurrencies, while forums such as BitcoinTalk and Reddit's r/crypto communities offer spaces for discussion and advice from more experienced users. These platforms can be excellent resources for both newcomers and seasoned users seeking to stay updated on best practices and emerging security threats in the crypto space.

6. What to Do in Case of a Security Breach

If you suspect that your cryptocurrency assets have been compromised, immediate action is critical. First, disconnect your devices from the internet to prevent further unauthorized access. Change all related passwords and secure any backup systems that might also be vulnerable. Then, assess the extent of the breach to understand which assets and accounts are affected.

Reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities is a crucial next step. Contact local law enforcement and file a report with details of the theft or loss. Additionally, if the assets are stored or managed through a cryptocurrency exchange or digital wallet service, notify these services as they may be able to help prevent further loss and track down the stolen assets.

Finally, engage with the cryptocurrency community. Many community platforms can offer support, advice, and sometimes assistance in tracking stolen assets. Sharing your experience can also alert others to potential security threats and prevent further incidents within the community. This collective approach can be invaluable in addressing and mitigating the effects of security breaches in the crypto space.


This article is not financial advice and is just general information for informed users in the crypto universe.

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