
Amount of FLR staked

Why stake on Sceptre?

Maximize your yield with sFLR
By staking with Sceptre, FLR and wFLR holders receive sFLR, a liquid staking token accepted by several apps and services across the Flare Network which you can find below.
Reduce your exposure to risk
Sceptre reduces the risk of validator issues by spreading assets across over 50 plus nodes, picked by our service following rigorous criteria. As an individual staker, you can only stake on up to 3 nodes per wallet on the Flare Network.
Never lose liquidity
By staking FLR on Sceptre, you'll receive the corresponding amount of sFLR tokens according to the current exchange rate. These liquid staking tokens can be used across various Flare Network dApps to earn additional rewards.
Automated reward claiming
Sceptre automates reward claiming and distribution, ensuring you never miss the 3-month window to manually claim your rewards when you individually stake.
Have your rewards work for you
With Sceptre's automated restaking, your earned rewards are added back into your stake, allowing your holdings to grow exponentially over time through the power of compounding.